Lot smith annoy johnstons army 1857 dime
Lot smith annoy johnstons army 1857 dime worth
In he outshone more famous figures Orrin Porter Rockwell and Robert Taylor Burton in leading a militia force against the supply trains and livestock of the approaching Utah .
Lot smith annoy johnstons army 1857 dime
Through the winter of , Smith’s militia continued to harass Johnston’s troops and the wagon trains that supplied them, diverting or burning supply wagons and .
Lot smith annoy johnstons army 1857 dime value
Led by Major Lot Smith, a Mormon Battalion veteran, 44 raiders carried out instructions to harass the troops, burn supply trains, stampede cattle and set fire to the forage.
Lot smith annoy johnstons army 1857 dime coin
--Lot Smith, Mormon militia (Nauvoo Legion) Eldredge, who is writing a guide to the trail of Johnston’s Army, looks over the sage desert not far from the intersection of today’s I and .