Dynamiczne aikido gozo shioda biography

Yasuhisa shioda

Gozo Shioda (塩田 剛三, Shioda Gōzō, September 9, – July 17, ) was a Japanese master of aikido who founded the Yoshinkan style of aikido.
dynamiczne aikido gozo shioda biography

Dynamiczne aikido gozo shioda biography

Gozo Shioda (, angl.

Gozo shioda yoshinkan aikido

Gozo Shioda (September 9, – July 17, ) one of the most senior students of the Aikido founder and a creator of the Yoshinkan Aikido style.
Gozo shioda video
Master Gozo Shioda (–), was a Japanese martial artist, Aikido teacher and the founder of the Yoshinkan style of Aikido.