Alfred dreyfus as an old man

Dreyfus company

Alfred was 10 years old when the Franco-Prussian War broke out in the summer of , and following the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine by Germany after the war, he and his family moved to Basel, Switzerland, where he attended high school.

alfred dreyfus as an old man

Alfred dreyfus family tree

“In this pioneering biography, Maurice Samuels restores Alfred Dreyfus to the affair that bears his name.

Dreyfus meaning

On January 5, , Captain Alfred Dreyfus’s cries of innocence were drowned out by a mob shouting “Death to Judas!” In this book, Maurice Samuels gives readers new .
Dreyfus pronunciation
This groundbreaking book focuses on Alfred Dreyfus the man, with emphasis placed on his own writings, including his recently published prison workbooks and his letters to .